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We hold events for our alumni, friends, and the general public for people to connect with the important conversations in leadership.

Subject matter experts and prominent New Zealand leaders share their knowledge and engage with the audience, sparking new ideas and innovation as minds from different backgrounds converge and focus their energy on a salient issue or theme.

Alumni Journeys - Grant Taylor

How are our Alumni leading with what's needed for Aotearoa to thrive in the 21st Century? We sat down with GRANT TAYLOR (Alum 2020) to track his journey and unlock the ways his leadership mahi is making a difference in Aotearoa since graduating from The NZ Leadership Programme (NZLP).

What wisdom and tools from your NZLP experience have you added to your kete?

NZLP for me has added tools and wisdom which have a beautiful wave type rhythm from systems level to personal reflection and growth. I have increased knowledge of systems forces such as institutionalised racism, white privilege, Te Tiriti, climate change and our relationship with nature.

With this knowledge has brought an introspective process around asking, “and what is my part in all of this??” It is much much deeper than just learning about some heavy topics.

In what ways has NZLP elevated your way of thinking, seeing or feeling the world?

NZLP has set me on the journey of love for myself, flaws and jagged edges, past mistakes, relationships and trauma. The new learnt ability to look back with kindness and love, has provided a beautiful and fulfilling view of my future that was hidden to me in plain sight. NZLP has allowed me to unlock this vision, and given me tools to realise it.

An amazing skill I have learnt to explore and build on through NZLP is to not try and separate the head and thoughts from the feeling in the body. “Feeling” the world in me and around me as one, allows for a deeper level of presences to everything that is happening in my life and an ability to hold on to what I need to, and to let go of the things I don’t.

What impact has the Programme had on your organisation or community?

The impact of my participation in NZLP on my organisation has been on many levels. One-on-one conversations have been more real. My leadership training and mentoring has allowed people to grow in such a profoundly different way than in the past. By letting go of my barriers, I have been able to add so much more for others.

Strategically, I can openly contribute at a different level by bringing in the new knowledge I have gained through NZLP leaders, the guest speakers, and my fellow cohort of leaders.

The new connections I have made have also had a huge impact on the work I do. These connections, both personal and professional, are the gold of the programme.

If you had one piece of wisdom for future leaders, what would it be?

As a health sector leader my one piece of wisdom for future leaders is unashamedly borrowed from another inspirational leader in the form of a challenge, “Dare To Lead!!”

Grant Taylor is Quality Manager - Operations at Lifewise

Did Grant’s story resonate with you? This is one of many courageous, enriching and impactful journeys on The NZ Leadership Programme.

Leadership NZ is on a mission to find the committed, visionary, brave leaders who can lead with what's needed for Aotearoa to thrive in the 21st Century. In this time of uncertainty and change, our purpose to catalyse leadership in Aotearoa as a force for positive change has never felt more important.

Are you a mid-level, senior or community leader in New Zealand who feels purposeful to evolve its leadership landscape? Do you know someone who is?

Applications are open for The NZ Leadership Programme 2022

We warmly invite suitable leaders across New Zealand to apply now.