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We hold events for our alumni, friends, and the general public for people to connect with the important conversations in leadership.

Subject matter experts and prominent New Zealand leaders share their knowledge and engage with the audience, sparking new ideas and innovation as minds from different backgrounds converge and focus their energy on a salient issue or theme.

Alumni Journeys - James Wilson

How are our Alumni leading with what's needed for Aotearoa to thrive in the 21st Century? We sat down with JAMES WILSON (Alum 2013) to track his journey and unlock the ways his leadership mahi is making a difference in Aotearoa since graduating from The NZ Leadership Programme (NZLP).

What wisdom and tools from your NZLP experience have you added to your kete?

My 2013 year on NZLP was really the first time that I started to build a ‘personal wellbeing toolkit’. I’d been aware of mindfulness and meditation, and always admired people who had practices such as journaling or making space for working on ‘self’, but it wasn’t until I participated in NZLP that I gained the confidence to invest in my own wellbeing and development. The Programme gave me so many opportunities to test ideas and tools out and build my own practice that I continue to draw on today. Journaling is at the centre of this practice, and I really value using a ‘non-digital’ format to process thought- what my intention for the day is, what tensions am I working with? What is drawing my attention? I’ve learned that I process challenges far easier when I’ve given myself space to map them out in my journal.

In what ways has NZLP elevated your way of thinking, seeing or feeling the world?

A big theme during my year on NZLP was ‘raising the horizon - taking a long-term view’. Our cohort had lots of robust conversations about what might be possible if we could look beyond a three-year election cycle, encouraging better approaches to long-term planning and generational change. I’ll never forget the wisdom shared by one of our guest speakers, Mavis Mullins, who talked about throwing out the three year strategic plan - and writing a hundred year plan - bringing into focus the impact we have on our planet, and the world we want to leave for our grandchildren, and their children. My current work in local government has the framework of the annual plan and the long-term plan cycle of ten years. I often find myself challenging my colleagues to think about the big picture and the long-term impact - a worldview that I developed during my year with NZLP.

What impact has the Programme had on your organisation or community?

I’ve always been a passionate advocate for the arts and the value they bring to communities. However, in recent years, I’ve begun to understand just how essential the arts are and how creativity and the power of story can help tackle some of the wicked problems we face. Whilst our creative confidence as a nation is growing, there is still lots of work to do to see our artists and storytellers valued for their work. In my current role, I’m constantly advocating for our arts sector and looking to build capacity for a new generation of storytellers, giving them the support and platform to own their own story.

NZLP helped me to value the creative skills and experience that I have from my background in theatre and the confidence to bring this creativity to the fore in my work. I loved the connections and collaborations that emerged from our cohort on NZLP. Nearly ten years on, I still regularly draw on the support and wisdom of our 2013 Class of leaders.

If you had one piece of wisdom for future leaders, what would it be?

I’m often reminded of the announcement you hear during pre-flight safety briefings - “remember to fit your own oxygen mask before helping others around you”. This resonates loudly with me and serves as a good reminder of needing to look after ourselves and to give space and time to tune into what your body and mind need. I’ve learned that for me to be the best I can for the people and communities I work with, it’s essential for me to invest in my own wellbeing first.

James Wilson is Manager – Arts and Culture at Tauranga City Council.

Did James’ story resonate with you? This is one of many courageous, enriching and impactful journeys on The NZ Leadership Programme.

Leadership NZ is on a mission to find the committed, visionary, brave leaders who can lead with what's needed for Aotearoa to thrive in the 21st Century. In this time of uncertainty and change, our purpose to catalyse leadership in Aotearoa as a force for positive change has never felt more important.

Are you a mid-level, senior or community leader in New Zealand who feels purposeful to evolve its leadership landscape? Do you know someone who is?

Applications are open for The NZ Leadership Programme 2022

We warmly invite suitable leaders across New Zealand to apply now.